Friday, June 5, 2009

Merkel bows to Nazi victims

Merkel bows to Nazi victims

BUCHENWALD (Germany) - GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday she 'bows before all the victims' of the Nazis, during a visit to the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany with US President Barack Obama.
'Incomprehension, horror: there is no word to describe the terrible things that happened to so many people in this camp and in other concentration and death camps,' Ms Merkel said. 'I bow before all the victims.'

Ms Merkel toured the camp in Germany where 56,000 people perished in the Nazi era with Mr Obama and former inmates Bertrand Herz and Elie Wiesel, the Nobel laureate, all four laying white roses at a memorial.

The visit forms part of a history-laden trip over two days to Europe by Mr Obama also taking in Dresden, flattened by Allied bombing in 1945, and ceremonies in France on Saturday for the 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

'How could such a thing happen,' Ms Merkel said. 'We Germans are determined to ensure that nothing like this is ever reproduced.' -- AFP

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