Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ceramic Shards of Singapore: Greenware

More about Greenware pottery: Greenware pottery is called celadon. 'Celedan' is a western word used in the 17th century to describe the green glaze which is applied to ceramics before they are put into kilns to be baked.

 Celadon wares are expensive and produced mainly in Longquan, in Zhejiang, near the mouth of the Yangzi River. By the Song Dynasty (960-1280 AD), the potters were able to produce green are which looked like jade.

Green was a valuable Chinese porcelain because the colour green was a symbol of royalty. In various parts of Southeast Asia, green ware is used in religious ceremonies and also buried with the dead in different parts of Ancient Southeast Asia

.Description of Singapore findings: Most of the green ware shards found in Singapore are brownish green or greenish blue. Many of them date back to the Song Dynasty (960-1279AD), the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368 AD) and the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644AD). Most are found at Fort Canning. Why do you think they are found at Fort Canning? What does it suggest about who lived in this place? 
Celadonware being uncovered at St Andrew's Cathedral

 Picture Credits


Miksic, J.N. Singapore and the Silk Road of the Sea 1300-1800. Singapore: NUS Press and National Museum of Singapore, 2013)

Miksic, J.N & Low, Cheryl-Ann Mek Gek (Eds). Early Singapore 1300s – 1819. (Singapore: Singapore History Museum, 2004)


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